In this satirical comedy drama written by S. Harish, Vinayakan stars as Madhavan, a retired electric...more
This is a story of a Punjabi Indian boy’s (Iqbal Singh) journey from India to Pakistan. He leaves fo...more
The struggle for equality and dominance between females and males is not new and is a never-ending c...more
Runtime: 150 min
A retired Marine scout sniper targeted by a younger clone of himself, all while trying to escape the...more
Runtime: 165 min
Shraddha wants her fiancé to fulfill an unusual vow before marriage. Her parents, Bhakti and Vacky, ...more
Runtime: 150 min
An epic action saga set against coastal lands, which briefs about rip-roaring, emotionally charged i...more
Runtime: 170 min
An epic action saga set against coastal lands, which briefs about rip-roaring ,emotionally charged i...more
Runtime: 183 min